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Old 07-19-2009, 06:20 PM
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Future Raptor Ace Future Raptor Ace is offline
Mr. Mike
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Location: New York City/Buffalo NY
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Perhaps this wasn't made clear, but incests aren't the only pests. You have some birds, some mammals and other various creatures. ( it was mice that contaminated the water and caused the black plague) Yet the pattern seems to be the more close their relation is to human up the chain the less they are exterminated like incests. Insects also are by far not the most dangerous animals when it comes to carrying diseases, mice, raccoons pigeons and even humans are dangerous and carry diseases but yet we don't kill infected humans do we? Also other animals such as dangerous and fierce animals in the wild like bears are also protected by various animal organizations. It just makes little sense to me to kill an ant or a fly who is doing nothing you to you just because you can! You are killing a living thing that can feel pain or experience fear. In terms of it just being a little bug that will have little to no impact on the world ok............. lets kill that little kitten too then, it also wont have a huge impact on the world either!

That's just daft, why wouldn't an insect feel pain and be able to learn something? Just look at bees and ants. Extraordinary creatures with a far more advanced civilization and than most contries in Africa for example.
Many insects are very important for the ecosystem, servings as food for birds, eating (decomposeing) dead animals, spreading seeds from flowers etc.

I try not to kill insects for moral reason and even try to help them out if they get in my room or something. But sometimes I have to get rid of them, especially moths, they are the spawn of satan and plain disgusting.
I agree, just look at army ants and how millions of them cooperate with each other!
As for bugs in my house I take a napkin and release them outside, simple as that.
and please tell me this, do you eat meat? because surely if you find killing insects wrong then eating meat from any type of animal is surely wrong heck the same could apply to plants they are just growing there minding their own business too so the question could be, who are we to kill animals and even plants just so we can survive?
the difference is I eat and use the meat, when you kill a bug you are just killing it out of your own stupidity! If you were to kill the bug for food, then i would have no problem with it.


Last edited by Future Raptor Ace; 07-19-2009 at 06:34 PM..
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