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Old 09-03-2009, 09:08 AM
Vorock Vorock is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Age: 34
Posts: 64
Vorock is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Forrplay View Post
You know you are a Lili fan when you can't go a single day without listening, watching, or reading something about her.

When your day doesn't feel complete if you haven't done either of the above

When you listen to her music so much that it sounds like people are speaking french when you aren't paying attention and when you focus in on their conversation you are disappointed to find that they are actually speaking english (happned today)

when you have a song stuck in your head such as Panic Switch by Silver sun pickups and half way through singing the song in your head it switches to Jen ai merre.

When you think that 2:35 of the Jen ai marre video is the cutest thing in the entire world.

When you actually think you have a shot in hell of meeting her and plan to go to France just to give it a shot.

When you think that you have an unhealthy obsession with Lili and then realize that there is no such thing as an unhealthy obsession if the name Lili is related to the conversation.

When you show your friends Lili and then punch them for makeing a comment like "I'd hit that 10 ways from sunday" because you cant stand when people disrespect her (guilty)
Guilty of all besides the last one.
"J'aime les garçons à être doux et aimant. Mais la qualité la plus importante pour moi est la fidélité. Un garçon infidèle n'est pas un garçon pour moi." -Alizée
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