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Old 09-08-2009, 09:04 PM
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puffyrock2 is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by LL Cool B View Post
As we near the impending release of a preview single and eventually Album, I would like to go on record as stating a prediction. Based on her recent style and associations, I think this album will very dark, heavy and dare I say...Funky. The casket will be sealed on the Alizee we once knew. Now I'm not saying this is a bad thing, I'm just putting it out there.

If you are still on the Ass Shaking Lolita train, you need to get off at the next station, and run across the platform to the the train that departs this fall, an entirely different direction (IMO)

A funky Alizee release would be right up my alley. Since Psychedelices wasn't the smash we all hoped, i'm not sure what to expect this time around. I don't know if she'll try and make a similar album....i have a feeling she might be going in a more electro-oriented direction though. Electronic seems to be taking over organic these days.
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