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Old 09-13-2009, 11:03 PM
wasabi622 wasabi622 is offline
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Originally Posted by Chuck View Post
Yeah! Both you guys, I like it!

I'm leery of actually mailing a physical document from person to person to person. Just mailing something once is risky, multiply that, and add in one or two people that "don't get around to it for a couple days", pretty soon we're down to nothing.

By sending me sig's, I think Barrett means:
sign a piece of paper, then scan it, then e-mail me the scan.
or draw your sig on the computer, then e-mail me that.
..(or he meant one or the other of those two)

Either option is ok by me, but personally, I'd rather your sigs NOT be the same as your online sigs. (Any objections to that?)

It's also on my profile, but here's my e-mail: **

Just e-send some sort of graphic, and I'll gladly do my best to incorporate it! (Probably without staples, too. Paste?)

Oh, btw,
I'M ABOUT TO SET A DEADLINE FOR THIS PROJECT. End of the month? Sooner? Feedback, anyone?

So keep those ideas flowing! I had a couple more new ideas I'll post later.

** ((Bongo Video == the First Video Store In Wisconsin With Alizée-En Concert For Rent!!))

yeah, i figured it be a bit of a risk to send it person to person.

so i'll just send you my signature! though, im referring to my actual signature, not my one here on the forum.

and the deadline idea is a great one! that way, we have a date to work towards, and a date to get our stuff in order.

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