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Old 10-27-2006, 07:55 PM
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garçoncanadien garçoncanadien is offline
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Sorry I can't perfectly understand their Parisian accent, but I did try to translate the majority of this interview for you all. I hope it gives an idea of what they were talking about; notice that Alizée was sly again

There’s lots of people here, its very impressive!
Journalist: You’re going to see Alizée in not even an hour, what do you think about that, that you are going to see her for real in the first time in your life?
Kid: um, not anything in particular, because we haven’t ever seen her, it’s the first time she’s done a tour.
Journalist: Come, come with me.
Narrator: David is going backstage, in fact to a bar in the Olympia, chosen by Alizée for his interview.
Journalist: Now get this, I am staring Alizée in the face.
Narrator: Go, have courage David!
Journalist: The Olympia is a huge thing, because I’ve never did my thing in such a big room. What did you feel?
Alizée: On the first night, I was very nervous, and I was proud to perform on the stage of the Olympia because the best have been there, and before, it was the dedication, so I told myself I was very lucky to go by there.
Journalist: Alizée, I know there are many people my age who would like to become singers.
Member of public: [line from Toc de mac] “Chassez l’ego, pourquoi qui pourquoi faire”
Journalist : What advice would you give them ?
Alizée: Believe in their dreams, be very strong willed, never give up, stay natural, and don’t try to imitate somebody else.
Journalist: Sir, what do you prefer the most about Alizée, her voice or her body?
Man: Her body!
Journalist: At the very least, you surprise me!
Journalist: We saw you a lot in a miniskirt, very sexy, can that draw looks from boys?
Alizée: Very simply because I like skirts, and I tell myself that if I can’t wear them now, I will never be able to wear them.
[moi Lolita excerpt]
Journalist: Was it a blast?
Little girl: Brilliant!
Journalist: And you sir, did you like it or not?
Man: It was very very good.
Little girl: It’s super!
Girl: I touched her hand
[and sorry somebody please fill me in here]
Journalist: Go, thank you very much, from the class, ciao!
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