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Old 09-23-2009, 03:13 AM
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Originally Posted by wildfire View Post
I have TWO questions...

1) would Alizee do a musical film? I'd luv to see her in a film like Moulin Rouge where her french heritage is part of the story PLUS it being a luv story.. tragic one at that... and it being quite flamboyant and theatrical. Something as fanciful as Amelie would be another idea... Key is for it to be a bit theatrical because I think thats where she would shine.. A generic romantic comedy or semi bio pic would be a waste.. think Mariah Carey's "Glitter".. what a dump.

2) Would she learn enough english and spanish to do interviews. I prefer her songs in french because thats who she is, but I think a key way to connect to lazy american audiences and better with Mexicans would be to do interviews in the indigenous language. Its an undertaking, but to hear her own words is a real connection.

3) (Ok I lied...) Dance. Even if she doesn't do it in her concerts, I'd luv to see concerts where she has dancers perform like in youpeedo while she's singin' and rockin'. I think thats why the mexicans luved her so much. Her dance bits on TV resemble many of the variety shows in mexico where performers dance, sing and do stage bits. I really think this was a big part of her mexican success. Plus my favorite bits of En Concert 2004 was her little acting bits like in Moi lolita where she interacted with her band and dancers. Really cute and charming... Imagine a future song like 50/50 where she has an army of "paparazzi" dancers around her and she has to escape them or knock them out with her little sassy hand waves.
1.) Probable. Perhaps not a Musical as in Theatre Play but in a film it can be fitting. Perhaps you'd be the one to suggest that to her?

2.) She probably is more interested in Spanish than English. Because of a.) it's similarity to French and b.) the USA isn't exactly doing as well in terms of fanbase comparably and relatively to the Spanish-speaking Mexico.

3.) If she can't do it herself, she better make up for it with a helluva killer light set, amongst other things. I can see pyrotechnics as well.
Live shows are live shows, I don't care if its the Beatles reunited with two members resurrected through Occultist binding, if they can't put on a show, it's not worth my eyes.
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