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Old 09-25-2009, 03:01 PM
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Deep did you read my post or are you using the force ?? (jk) If you read my post and compare it to yours it's easy to see who's nerve has been hit, my apologies for hurting your feelings Deep. I never indicated that Mylene would have opposed to such relationship, when I said there was disagreement with them after Jeremy I'm referring to the departure. Also I never said that I thought my theory was the whole truth and nothing but the truth, just like I doubt Chuck was being 100% serious about his theory. I do think there's a possibility however of me being at least half right, regardless I was just having a little fun with this in response to others.

In all seriousness, maybe you're more sensitive then you think Deep, because you seem to be taking this to heart, and no I was not offended by your comments. I was however responding to your comment as to creating unnecessary problems etc, by indicating that I was merely voicing my own opinion in response to other member's comments. I do respect other members comments and hope others respect mine, this I included on my previous post just in case you were being serious about me or others not posting our own opinions on this subject, which is clearly what forums are for. Like I said, there is a difference between someone who's trying to create problems which I'm not and someone who's just voicing their opinion on an existing topic or comment.

Paix, Amour et Musique ☮ ♥ ♫

Last edited by Jess; 09-25-2009 at 09:11 PM..
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