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Old 09-26-2009, 11:04 AM
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@Chuck, Jess is right, I'm not "hot and bothered" at all. And maybe you were kidding somewhat when you said that. But in all honesty this horse has been beat to death many times in the past and I think many of us, regardless of where we stand on the subject, are at peace with our beliefs. So I don't think anyone's going to get all upset about it now.

I'm not suggesting that this subject shouldn't be revisited, because I realize that "newcomers" will often start discussions about things that "oldtimers" have already hashed out long ago. But each new arrival has to be given the opportunity to discover Alizée and her story in their own way and they're going to want to talk about it. I know, because I was a new arrival in 2006.

Just a note about me; if you read one of my posts and think I'm angry or being sarcastic, it's because I have either failed at relaying my sentiments, or you have misread it. I rarely do sarcastic here, (unless it's an attempt at being funny) and I never do angry. I have over 2000 posts and I don't recall a single one made in anger. I just don't get upset very easily.

As for the Alizée/Mylene thing, I assume Alizée had the industry standard recording contract and no more taken advantage of than any other artist. I assume the breakup was a natural progression of life, and therefore, no harm, no foul. In my opinion, whatever possible friction that may or may not have existed between Alizée and Mylene is of no real consequence. That's basically my thoughts on it.
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