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Old 09-29-2009, 07:41 PM
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wildfire wildfire is offline
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wildfire is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Srbski-kralj View Post
ahahaI love Heroes but Lost that show everytime i watch it it answers maybe 1 or 2 questions I had about it and then it leaves u with 10 more wuestions every episode lol. Its kinda hard to follow lol.
yeah: the trick is to not have watched it in the past 6 years or so and then marathon watch it on Hulu!! I too forget details from such deep and dense shows that I prefer to watch each season like a 22 hour feature!

Heroes is all over the place.. I mean lost makes stuff up too but they have very well fleshed out characters. heroes doesn't. I don't really care about the heroes characters .. except maybe hero and syler.. but already stuff from seaon 1 (hiro returning from the future as a ninja) is completely forgotten. I still watch it though because its entertaining.

Lost is very deep with the characters.. I'm rewatching the series now and I'm spotting stuff from characters and plot that I didn't catch. I luv their flaws and how they intertwine. And Giachimmo's music is incredible!

anyway, back to LilyLicious. I've enjoyed her candor in these interviews.. You really see whats going on with the music now...
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