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Old 12-12-2009, 03:55 AM
wasabi622 wasabi622 is offline
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Originally Posted by Lucian_RO View Post
If I could ask her one single question, it would be about why she split up with Mylène and Laurent. I mean, the collaboration with them would probably have guaranteed her more success (not to mention she wouldn't have lost some fans because of a shift in her music), so anyone else would have just stuck with his/her "mentors".
That is by far the most intriguing question about Alizee's career. This is basically the root of the differences in opinion amongst us fans. The Lolita image and the new(soon to be old) Psychedelices Alizee..

It really doesn't seem logical that she left them. She was so frickin popular when she was with them!! Now before any of you rip me to pieces with the "she wants to make her own album" statement, I'm just saying, that it'll be nice to hear the actual answer from her in depth.

Cuz hell, I wouldn't mind it at all if she had stayed with them! And I'm one of the newer fans too.

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