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Old 01-09-2010, 09:36 PM
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Deepwaters Deepwaters is offline
Alizée's Watch-Dragon
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: California
Posts: 3,322
Deepwaters is on a distinguished road
Default My Novel's Been E-published

There's a story behind this. Some of you already know it.

In 2003, because of a truly disastrous romance, I entered a period of serious depression in which I was unable to write. This lasted until December 2006. It ended because I discovered Alizée. As you can perhaps imagine, my gratitude to her for this knows no bounds. As a result, when I began working on a new novel shortly after that, I included a major character who was a tribute to her.

Having come to my senses regarding the slow, rattling death of conventional publishing and recognized that e-publishing is going to dominate the future, I sought avenues to publish it electronically, and now it's done. It will soon be available from the Amazon Kindle Store and from Barnes & Noble and various other premium e-outlets, but it's available right now in various formats from here:

You can (and of course should) read the first few chapters of the book for free. It's a fantasy set in our own world. The capsule description on the web page says: "The course of history has been shaped from the shadows. Two secret orders of powerful magicians have guided it. One of the orders is filled with idealistic zeal and a vision of utopia. The other is consumed with selfish ambition. Their conflict is the hidden story of our world, yet conceals deeper mysteries. This is the story of a bend in the road, a time of change, and the telling of secrets."

I will also be doing a print-on-demand version for people who prefer hardcopy. If you're interested in that, PM me.
Même si tu es au loin, mon coeur sait que tu es avec moi

The Stairway To Nowhere (FREE):
The Child of Paradox:
The Golden Game:
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