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Old 01-11-2010, 06:56 PM
Karlalizee Karlalizee is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Age: 35
Posts: 623
Karlalizee is on a distinguished road

mercenaries16 along with alex did a wonderful job explaining. jen ai marre is a hit in mexico followed by la isla bonita (and that is only for the latin beat) then it is the album psychedelices. only the true fans even know about gourmandieses. much of her popularity came from the fans themselves. they made hats, shirts, cd singles, cards and posters. then they went to the street and spread the word. i can only pray that her next album will spread her popularity even more.

mercenaries16, su explination fue muy buena. no appologize o excusar a su ingles. recuerde, cuanto mas hablan ingles, mejor sera.
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