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Old 01-23-2010, 11:23 PM
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Deepwaters Deepwaters is offline
Alizée's Watch-Dragon
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Originally Posted by docdtv View Post
I won't split hairs with you, but I think they are doing something publicly as a pair here: Dernier morceau enregistré !. I'm assuming that is Jérémy on the right
Definitely not. I believe that's one of the musicians she's working with on the new album, although I'm not sure which one.

Then why did I include the J-man? Well, I know La Methode Cauet played for laughs, but I think A was being sincere when she visited the show and stated that it was impossible for J to take a meal alone with a female friend. That's why I stipulated the videoconference include J: goose and gander parity; no salacious undertone.
Well, I thought you were talking about a conversation on skype over lunch, not a romantic evening on the Riviera by moonlight or a cruise through the Caribbean. (Although if you were to offer something like THAT as the prize . . . but she'd never go along with it.)

Bear in mind that anything she does with fans is going to be in full public view with photographers and the whole nine yards, so there's no possibility of getting up to mischief. If Jérémy is going to get jealous about something like that, he's being ridiculous. Of course, maybe he IS ridiculous, what do I know . . .

In any case, I'm quite certain that he would not participate in any fan activities for Alizée. That would be totally out of pattern for both of them.

I hear what you say about "something intimate," but there's intimate and then there's intimate. I mentioned the chat session that she had in 2008. In that session, fans who won a drawing or some such got to chat with her over IM for a time. That's not unlike what you were talking about, except that no money changed hands. (Incidentally, in that chat session it became very clear that she follows her fan site forums, because she knew all about the people she was chatting with.) And Jérémy did not participate in that, either.

So don't worry about it; the only thing along those lines that could threaten their marriage would have to happen in private without tout le monde looking on, and that's not what you're proposing.

I understand what you're saying about copy protection not working, but in the end it comes down to the fact that the great majority of people are trustworthy about such things. There will be piracy, sure, but as long as artistic work (music, books, whatever) is offered at a low price and easily, most people won't avail themselves of the opportunity for theft. People will buy her new album, not just steal it, I think we can be confident of that, especially if they can buy it digitally. So I believe that your idea is actually better as a promotion than as a money-raiser.
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Last edited by Deepwaters; 01-23-2010 at 11:25 PM..
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