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Old 01-27-2010, 11:56 PM
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Ruroshen Ruroshen is offline
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Originally Posted by JimmyDean23 View Post
The real problem is that we have all become used to Apple blowing our minds every year and it gets harder for them to live up to our expectations that we set for them.
I think part of the problem was that they pushed too hard on the "it works just like the iPhone!" angle, which I think is what led to the widespread criticism on Twitter and elsewhere that it's just an upsized iPod Touch. And the one thing that I think really could have set it apart--the iWorks demo--was by all reports deadly dull.

I'm really intrigued by iBook, though, which has serious potential to become a game-changer for the publishing industry if it catches on the way iTunes has. I hope they release a version for iPhone/iPod Touch as well.

Before today, I had no need or use for the iPad, but now I do. Weird, huh? I will definitely buy one this summer after I get a job and I'm sure I will love it and wont be able to live without it.
Can I ask why? Because while I can see it would have certain advantages over my iTouch or netbook--larger display than the iTouch, lighter and less bulky than the netbook, 3G capability without a contract--it doesn't seem like enough of an upgrade to make it a 'must-have'. It'd be a neat toy to have, certainly, but I don't feel like it's enough of a trade-up to make it worth my while.
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