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Old 02-12-2010, 11:39 PM
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Deepwaters Deepwaters is offline
Alizée's Watch-Dragon
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: California
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Deepwaters is on a distinguished road

OK, now I've heard the whole song, and I have several thoughts.

First, I'm thinking this song has meaning on at least two levels. Here are the lyrics, as best I can make out:

Dream always and always
I don’t know where I’m going, looking for the limelight
I can’t recall where I’ve been in this long, long flight
I always and always
I don’t know if I should learn the ways of ecstasy
We (EDIT: or "oui"? makes more sense)
Stairs – Lights – Music -- Sweat
Scares – Fright – Panic -- Threat

The straightforward interpretation is that it's about Edie Sedgwick, and the difficulties, confusion, and fear involved in being famous, the confusion about identity and the insecurity that eventually led to her death.

On another level, I think this song is saying something about Alizée herself. Superficially, Alizée is very different from Sedgwick -- no drugs or booze, no self-destructive behavior. So it's not quite the same thing being said about Alizée as about Sedgwick. Her Grace simply isn't messed up in the same ways. But I think that she does confront identity questions -- who am I, where am I going -- and a tension between her public and private lives, the difficulty of finding a balance between them. I love that poetic device of the rhyming words at the end. The first four seem to be presenting the picture of glamour, while the second four seem to be going inside, to what she feels.

There is I think a particular way in which her public life is a threat to her inner peace, yet she is pulled to both.

I'm wondering if all of the songs, in addition to telling the story of Sedgwick, will express Alizée's being in the same way. It seems clear to me that this one does.

About the song being in English, it could be that there is no meaning to that other than Alizée wanting to sing songs in multiple languages, knowing that she has fans all over the world. Or it could be as Jung said, Edie Sedgwick was an American, so at least some songs in English makes sense. If there's another meaning, it's probably a personal one that the general public isn't meant to get.

I like this song a lot. I like the music of it, and the poetry of the lyrics, especially impressive since I think none of the songwriters is a native English speaker. The only thing I had to get used to, and this isn't really a criticism, is the distortion of Alizée's voice. I think that's right for this song and works, but I hope that on some of the other cuts we will hear her voice without so much distortion in all its loveliness.
Même si tu es au loin, mon coeur sait que tu es avec moi

The Stairway To Nowhere (FREE):
The Child of Paradox:
The Golden Game:

Last edited by Deepwaters; 02-13-2010 at 10:40 AM..
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