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Old 02-14-2010, 09:45 AM
itsme22 itsme22 is offline
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I don't understand what all this complaining is about and all the comparisons to her albums with Mylène. Would we really prefer for Alizée to be a mini-Mylène for the rest of her career? I wouldn't.

Yes, Psychédélices was a big change, and though in my opinion some of the songs sounded a little forced, it felt a lot more genuine and a lot more Alizée to me.

We can't expect her to be the same girl she was 10 years ago. We all grow and change. And we can't know that even if she did continue with Mylène if we'd like the songs. For me, Mes Courants Electriques is inferior to both Gourmandises and Psychédélices.

We can't expect her to have the same success she had in the beginning. For her, I would like a different kind of success: one that is based more on artistic credibility, not necessarily on sales. I think it would be a good move to get into the underground scene. In my opinion, those are some of the most loyal fans one can have.

We have to remember that this is a concept album. It's going to be a little strange. This doesn't mean that should she release a new album after UEDS that it will also be like this.

Originally Posted by another_alizee_fan View Post
To be honest, it sounds like it was written by a first grader.
One could also say the same thing about "J'en ai marre," no?

Last edited by itsme22; 02-14-2010 at 10:00 AM..
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