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Old 02-15-2010, 01:26 AM
pepelepew pepelepew is offline
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pepelepew is on a distinguished road

An interview was posted on another Alizee fan site this last week that was from a music critic from England in English when Alizee was 17. If I wasn't Forest Gump on the computer I would have uploaded it here for discussion. It may already be on a post here for all that I know. Anyway to make a long story short it made the most compelling argument for why Alizee needed to break from MF/LB and the Lolita image if she had any desire to have a lasting and serious music career. It described the long history of the French music industry exploiting prepubescent girls into Lolita types for making the most money possible by way of exploiting the French obcession with Lolita type pop music themes. That most from the past slipped into obscurity or the music abyss as they no longer fit into the Lolita image due to developing into women basically. That staying too long branded them as Lolita's only making it very difficult to be accepted as real singers with talent. The interview had much more insightful tidbits about Alizee and even complimentary of her. I have an even greater respect for Alizee's insights and intelligence especially regarding her career decisions going on her own than I already had. If someone knows where that interview is it would be worth a discussion here. Sorry for the long ramblings of a madman!
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