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Old 02-18-2010, 10:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Chuck View Post
Hello again, ladies and gentlemen of the forum.

It's come to my attention that our contributions to the website "Charts In France" have caught their attention. And actually surprised a number of froggy folks there. And so I'd like to thank everyone so far. Hey, thanks, everyone! So Far!

It's also made me realize that we're now helping Alizée's nefarious plans (to take over the world, of course) in a very real way. We're playing a part in a viral marketing experiment! More importantly, the experiment seems to be working...

But it's not over yet - no siree, not by a longshot. And the question's been asked: "can we do it again?" But I wasn't sure. Can anybody here do it again, for Alizée?

The same website,, has now (on wed.) put up the exact same type of page for the new single, "Les Collines". So once again, we should try to weigh in on this. Let em know over there that we're listening in over here. I added the links onto my sig, so now you just have to click below and there you go!

If you didn't hear all this before (or didn't go comment about "Limelight" yet), it's never too late. Just click below, then when you're on the ChartsInFrance page, scroll down, down, and down. There you'll see the comments posted about the song you've chosen. Below those is the button marked "Ajouter un Commentaire", (which means "add a comment"). Click that, and you're off! No fees, no signups, you don't even hafta leave your name or e-mail or anything. ALSO, YOU DON'T HAVE TO KNOW OR WRITE IN FRENCH. In fact, the point IS to let 'em know we're American. And that we're paying attention from way over here.

Just keep it short and sweet, that's the main thing. You can leave a name if you want, mention Alizé if so desired, and you can write it all in English, or Spanish, or Swahili if you prefer. So don't be afraid. They're way more scared of us, anyway.

Again, thanks to those who posted comments about "Limelight" already. And thanks in advance for doing it for "Les Collines". Hey, you're part of TeamAlizée now! Give yourselves all a big hand!
Well it looks like we are getting some people posting. Great work Chuck !
It would be nice to get a few more people doing it. I find it rather humorous (and sort of sad) that some of the French people there simply don't believe we are for real.
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