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Old 03-07-2010, 05:10 PM
pepelepew pepelepew is offline
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pepelepew is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Aaronius31 View Post
she was probably wearing that jacket unzipped while playing poker with the guys....that's how she prob wins all the time
I think you may be right lol!


Originally Posted by Deepwaters View Post
You guys. I was NOT serious. Come on. Of course we have no way to know, and if I did know I'd never discuss it here. Of course the photo doesn't show us anything of the kind. I guess I need to work on using emotes better or something. Forget I mentioned it, and please don't take it seriously, because I certainly didn't.

Even though Lefty is right that the magazine photo shoot isn't necessarily indicative of the "new style" that she'll be showing on the album and in concert, the fact that she's making photos like this, or like the Madonna mockups for the other interview, shows me that she's changed her approach from the Psych era in some ways. That picture is really, really sexy. It definitely stops short of vulgar, but it's an image I don't believe she would have allowed two years ago. For some reason, she downplayed her sex appeal in the recent past, and now, without overdoing it, she's not. It's a big change. She's naked under the jacket (from the waist up anyway), and anyone male & straight who looks at the photo can't help imagining opening her up like a present. She never did anything like that even in the Mylène era.

Actually, the Mylène era photos often gave the impression of a girl being sexy and provocative without being conscious of it, the ingenue. This is totally different from that.

The photos that aren't so sexy are also a big change. They're mysterious and suggestive of -- well, I'm not sure what. She doesn't smile as much in them. She's role-playing. It's very interesting.

What I'm saying is that between Psychédélices and Un enfant du siecle, Alizée has made a revolution, both musically and in her image.
I don't think it indicates anything other than the theme of her new album is focused on a dead model and her pictures are in that category. I will admit that they are more provocative than any time in the past, but a model that hung out with a weirdo like Andy Warhol was very provocative to say the least. I wouldn't read too much into the photoshoots as Lefty said they take on a life of their own.

Last edited by pepelepew; 03-07-2010 at 05:10 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doubleposts
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