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Old 03-09-2010, 10:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Roman View Post
Yeah, that's the problem. People like Alizée seem to think it's up to the labels, as though they are the gatekeepers of all access to popularity and all she has to do is what they demand, as though they, and not the fans, are the client. Well, I suppose it's supposed to be that way. That's what they are there for, to help the artist (who is only one person in this case) deal with PR and all that. But no. It's what the fans want and when some are providing it in abundance, it's what they end up demanding from others too.

The thing is, Alizée in early days was both a bigger star and made the rounds more often or had a web site better updated. I never expected anything like several tweets a day (though it was cool when Alizée was doing several a week and maybe more than one in a day). That might even dilute too much the novelty of getting a message (unless she had some good stuff to talk about). But, in fact, we asked for something like one message from Alizée a month to her general fan base, but even that was apparently WAY too much to ask. I guess she had nothing to say, and that's the other problem. Alizée's fans wanted an experience and someone to provide it, not just an album and a few pics every three years. (well, and there has been in the past almost nothing but uncertainty surrounding Alizée, when things would appear, what would happen with her career) I guess that's how it is. Some of it she really couldn't control, but Alizée has tried to be one of the least communicative popular performers ever right in an era when connection is all the rage. And personally, that (and because I'm an ocean and a language away) has caused me some bitterness. I only stuck around as a fan because I kept telling myself that even knowing that I/we could not get close to her and couldn't count on anything, I did actually like her music enough and wanted to hear something new enough to overcome the pain of waiting. Maybe I lied and just can't leave Alizée while I'm still alive. I don't know yet. My heart still beats.

But to address that... I do think it is rather unreasonable to expect a musician to spend a lot of time tweeting or whatever. It really does help to have someone keep the public/fans apprised of what is going on and for the artist to say something occasionally, but one can really sink all of one's time into "chatting" and tweeting and all that. I'd rather think that Alizée is working on something interesting than just posting all the time. (of course, if it's neither...) Alizée does a fair number of magazine interviews. My guess has to be that she doesn't really want to communicate with her fans in reality because she wants to keep them at arms length, perhaps to avoid becoming embroiled with passionate people. I think Alizée has always been afraid of letting her singing career take over her life.
Actually there are a lot of artist who do take advantage of these social sites to promote themselves and boost their fan base. They not necessary use it themselves though, they either hire staff to do this or simply appoint loyal fans as their street team, usually the same fans that run their official forums do this, but they are backed up by the artist who updates them on their progress etc, and on occasion might leave a comment. Some artist even use both an official page, and official fan page.

I think in Alizée's case, besides that fact that she is a very private person as others have noted, she also has the influence and example that Mylene left her. Mylene Farmer has never used any of these social sites for communicating with her fans. I think it's quite possible this way of thinking might of rubbed off on Alizée. Unfortunately Mylene's a big star already and Alizée is a rising star, she should use these sites to her advantage as you and others have suggested me thinks ;-)

@ Docdtv she has recently made quite a few tweets, and that Blog she made for updates is a big plus, but it appeared as though she had very little interest in doing so not to long ago and a few other times, that is why you see Roman and others commenting on this. Like Roman said, it's nice when she keeps her fans updated at least once a month, of course it's a big plus if she does more then that. Also note that the comments which are coming from her loyal fans are with her best interest in mind, and not just as a form of criticism.

Anyways, I don't know how many times I've said this already but the letter came out awesome !! Good job Chuck and everyone else who contributed...

Paix, Amour et Musique ☮ ♥ ♫

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