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Old 03-27-2010, 03:10 AM
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@docdtv, I must apologize in that I do not know who does the booking of various events and maybe came off a bit presumptuous on that point. But the point has been made by others.

I do sympathize with her apparent eagerness since April 2009 to have fans soon hear the new album and understand that it would probably be difficult for her to continue after telling people soon and then soon doesn't really happen. But what can I say, it's not even a debate. We can see what results have occured. And yes, I agree that I've heard that Mylène doesn't do any of this kind of fan communication. That's been explained and it probably stems from when someone stormed into the record company, or where ever that was, demanding to see her and ended up killing someone. That's unimaginably horrible. I think she had more fan contact before that.

And yes, I think Alizée got the idea that it was possible to do popular music and act like Mylène. I don't know if it's possible for anyone to ever do that again. And for whatever reason Alizée wants to have people less interested in her private life. Well, ok, but if you don't have enough public life, what do you really expect? But even now, there is an interest in Alizée as a person or persona that is part of her appeal. There are guys who, not being highly appealing beautiful women, can not get the fans that Alizée has had no matter how hard they try or what they do. The greatest musicians in the world can not compete with the best of Alizée because Alizée has had now or in the past a certain kind of appeal that is much more than just the music and it's more than just her sex appeal too, though that is inflected by an appealing personality to a certain extent. The music makes a huge difference, but it's just not everything and if the rest gets neglected... it doesn't work well. And I do also mean live performances. I guess Alizée is just as good as she is, but she must try right?

That said, yeah, we must accept things the way they are. Alizée will do what she can and is willing and if that doesn't get 100,000 people to go to a concert like Mylène does, then one can only hope that instead of doing no concert like in the past that she will be able to do something (in France).

Here's the thing, Alizée has promoted herself, but mostly only as a special promotional push during the time that a new album is out and when it seems like concerts can be held. We know what happened with that before. Seems like it's great now that there is her appearance, presence, new songs. And they seem to be doing a decent job of bloging and dealing with the fans who bought the boxed set, agreeing to a speacial meeting with Dave/ScruffyDog (now that is super cool!) etc. Eat it up. Enjoy it while you can.

Merci Fanny
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