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Old 03-27-2010, 02:00 PM
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Toc De Mac Toc De Mac is offline
Paris féerique
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Toc De Mac is on a distinguished road

Here is the question exactly as I posted it on the site of Le Figaro :

Bonjour Alizée!

J'ai dix-huit ans, je suis américain, et j'habite la ville de Pittsburgh. Vu que ce sera un album inspiré d'Edie Sedgwick, The Factory, etc., je voulais savoir si tu étais jamais passée par le Musée d'Andy Warhol à Pittsburgh pendant tes séjours aux Etats-Unis?

Bien à toi,
Hello Alizée!

I'm eighteen years old, an American, and I live in Pittsburgh. Seeing as this album is inspired by Edie Sedgwick, The Factory, etc., I wanted to know if you had ever happened to visit the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh during your travels to the US?

Best wishes,
Not thinking that there was a chance my question might actually be picked out of hundreds, I wrote it very quickly without bother to realize that she might be left sitting there thinking, "Hein, Pittsburgh? C'quoi ça?" The answer to which, of course, is that Warhol was born here, buried here, and the majority of his works reside in this museum.

Poor Alizée didn't quite know what to do with my question, lol...

Intervieweur: Une dernière question, euh, j'en ai une qui me fait rire parce que j'ai vu ça: Je suis américain, j'ai dix-huit ans, j'habite Pittsburgh, et je voulais savoir si vous êtes passée par le Musée Andy Warhol lors de vos séjours aux US, et ça vous a inspiré votre album.

Alizée: Euh--

Intervieweur: Ça lui fera plaisir si vous lui répondez.

Alizée: Euh, je vais lui répondre. Je ne suis jamais allée au musée. En même temps lorsque je voyage, c'est rarement pour les vacances et j'ai tellement voyagé, tellement parcouru de pays, et j'ai tellement... la frustration de ne pas pouvoir, voilà, me promener et profiter du pays ou de la ville que je visite. Après, c'est vrai que, non j'suis déjà fascinée par New York, j'aime beaucoup cette ville. Y'a rien que la Factory, c'est tellement, pour moi, énorme de pouvoir faire un atelier où des dizaines d'artistes qui sortent de là, on en parle pendant des années. Et tout ce qui sort de là est bien. J'aimerais tellement qu'il se passe encore des choses comme ça.
Interviewer: One final question, I have one that made me laugh because I saw this: I’m an American, I’m eighteen years old, I live in Pittsburgh, and I wanted to know if you ever happened to visit the Andy Warhol Museum during your travels to the US. And that inspired your album.

Alizée: Uh--

Interviewer: He’d be happy if you answered him.

Alizée: Uh, I’ll answer. I never went to the museum. At the same time, when I travel, it's hardly ever for vacation, and I’ve gone so many places, traveled across so many countries, and I... the frustration of not being able to simply walk about and enjoy the country or the city that I’m visiting. Otherwise, I’m truly fascinated by New York, I really love this city. If only the Factory, it’s amazing to me that they were able to create a studio where the tens of artists that come from it are still being talked about years later. And everything from there is great. I’d love for there to be things like that still happening today.
There are a few parts that I'm unsure of, especially the underlined bit. Could anyone help to (correctly hear and) interpret this line?

I still haven't heard anything from the website itself about receiving the signed album, which is why I submitted my name for the signing which Scruffy will be attending.
D'où est, d'où vient l'homme, petit marcheur dans le réel?

Last edited by Toc De Mac; 03-28-2010 at 12:09 AM..
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