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Old 04-02-2010, 02:53 PM
Merci Alizée
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Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
So many things to do and nothing comes easy.

I'm trying to get videos uploaded, trying to get things organized for mailing out the cd's when the thought crossed my mind that I hadn't thanked the gentleman at Virgin Megastore for what he had done for us. So I'm not the best letter writer, but I sent him the following note.

Dear Mr Bertail;
I've been so busy with what has been going on in the past couple of weeks, that I almost forgot to thank you. That would have been unthinkable. I doubt if you have any idea how much having a cd autographed by Alizée means to us. Most of us found out about her within the past 3 years, thanks mostly to Youtube. I'm one of the oldest members of this forum and I have never heard a singer that has brought as much enjoyment into my life as Alizée. I found that with your typical singer, let's say Shania Twain, a beautiful woman, some of whose songs I love very much, when she releases a new song, radio stations will play it numerous times a day at first because people want to hear it several times a day. But there comes a time usually about 2 or 3 or maybe 4 months later, where you grow tired of hearing it so much and then you only listen to it once in a while. Well with Alizée's music, I've been listening to it day after day after day for the past 3 years. I don't understand myself why I don't grow tired of it.

I think a lot of it has to do with the French language. It is definitely the most beautiful language in the hands of the right person and Alizée is the right person. It has that certain quality, as the French call it, a je ne sais quoi about it, that I can't explain, can't understand, can't get enough of. She has 4 songs that she has both a French and an English version of and by far, I like the French versions better and I think it's a combination of the French language and this je ne sais quoi of the language and of her.

So giving me this unbelievable opportunity to meet her on this basis and to give her fans in America and so many other countreis that Alizée America has fans in, an opportunity to have this closeness to her by getting an autographed cd, something most of us can only dream of because of the distance between us is something that words can hardly express the deep down gratitude for what you and your store did for us. It truely is an opportunity of a lifetime for so many of us.
Merci beaucoup.
Dave Hardy.
Indeed a good and purposeful letter, Scruffy. You are able to express your gratitude towards the person. Also you have mentioned about the fans that she has all over the world. You have appreciated her work well in this letter and expressed why we all love her. Overall, it's a good one.

Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
I'm trying to strike while the iron is still hot. For those of you who are familiar with the French tv station in San Francisco that I tried to get a hold of not to long ago before my trip, well I sent them an e-mail of details about my trip, just on the chance it might get aired.
Yes we do remember about that and I'm sure that she'll get some attention there. The chances are much better now after your meeting. Good luck with it now.