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Old 04-04-2010, 06:56 AM
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AfriqueDuSud AfriqueDuSud is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Cape Town, South Africa
Age: 44
Posts: 54
AfriqueDuSud is on a distinguished road

Well in this article on Ozap she knows that there is no winning with the French public:

Increasingly she is becoming more and more underground even the style of music reflects that. When she is cut free from Sony who knows what will happen. None of this is surprising, really. If one can pull a sliver lining out of this is that she knows that CD and even downloads will no longer sustain her career and will have to start looking at a more active performance schedule. Look at the schedule of the Institubes artists to understand where I am going with this. Does she want to do that kind of thing? Who knows.
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