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Old 04-10-2010, 10:33 AM
wasabi622 wasabi622 is offline
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Originally Posted by TheBarrett View Post

Also I stay away from fried foods anytime after 1pm.
I stay away from foods with flour anytime after 3pm.

I may be a bit stupid because i'm still relatively young, but my father's relatively large and my mother relatively anorexic.
The rest of my family aren't physical prowesses either, so therefore I fill in the void.

Oh, and guy to guy wasabi.
Mental training is just as efficient as physical training.
Train yourself to do what you want to do, and not what your body wants you to do.
Sometimes at 10pm you have the urge to just eat, don't do it, that's a sign that you should sleep, get to the morning, and have a good nutritious breakfast!

Don't train the abs if you still have a layer of body fat.
Cut the abdominal with lots of cardio and less food, and then work on the abs.
I got 4 of them visible in just a month and i'm working on the very bottom, which are the hardest of the lot.
I actually just all out avoid fried foods, even when it comes to chips, I eat baked stuff, like sun chips.

The thing about abs is that last summer, I did have a prominent, and yes, I will be slightly arrogant and say sexy six pack.
It's just that due to an injury I sustained about a month ago, I haven't been able to work out in a month, therefore most of my abs have atrophied.

When I do ab exercises, it differs every day.
One day, I'll focus on upper abs(sit ups, extended arm crunches, ab Vs, etc) the other day, I'll do lower ab exercises(leg lifts, kick ups, reverse crunch, the frogger, overhand supported leg raise & drop, etc), the following day being side abs(up and twist, aka the Rocky Sit-up, left/right cross over twist, alternate leg tucks, etc), and on other days, I'll just cycle through various ab exercises.

If you can't tell, I love working my abs!

But good point with the "what to do, not what your body wants to do".
Every night right before bed I always get hungry as hell. I try not to eat, or if I do, I'll try to eat something healthy like yogurt and a Nutrigrain bar.

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