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Old 04-12-2010, 10:46 AM
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FanDeAliFee FanDeAliFee is offline
Life's a beach & then you dive
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Lili Town
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Smile You can't keep a good Corsican girl's radio station down?

Originally Posted by Aron14 View Post
It works now, and started only a couple seconds after I went on the page. Thanks, great radio!
Thank you so much for trying again, Aron. And thank you for bringing my attention to the problems you were having. Perhaps writing Goom helped, or perhaps they are just doing the best they can anyway - they still have not replied to my feedback. (When Alizée gives me her PRIVATE e-mail address, I will be able to inform her of such problems - but I will not hold my breathe until she does! )

As long-time Alizée fans know, she does not like the smoke-filled rooms of dimly-lit evening social clubs, crowded with all sorts of strangers, not all of them nice people. (The disco experience of <i>Moi... Lolita</i> was fiction - or didn't you know?) But Alizée and Jérémy DO entertain for small groups of friends. And finally, by listening to Alizée's radio station, you can join them in a such an intimate "tête-à-tête!" Of what more can any fan reasonably dream? So, let's all go over to Alizée's place! The address could not be easier to remember: <a href=""></a> !

In the United States, a Supreme Court ruling in 1984 made use of the VCR in private homes to time-shift broadcast video programs legal. Also in the US, an act in 1992 made it legal for one to shift the medium in which one owns recorded music. And finally in America, no public performance license is needed to share media-based music in person with one's usual social acquaintances.

All that said, I am not an IP lawyer and "your mileage may vary." But as a practical matter, it is very easy to use many digital audio ("MP3") players to record audio programming and reproduce the same at another time and place - like a party. MP3 players can be used for self-guided tours, and thus I know one can buy a battery-powered amplifier for $10 to $20 so a group can listen to such material together. Obviously, that would also work to let the people at a party listen to some time-shifted radio as well.

One way or the other, it is possible to expose your party friends to Alizée. Should Goom have trouble providing a consistent feed, enterprising fans can still act. By the way, if you are expected to bring a gift for your host, there is nothing nicer than a brand-new copy of the <i>UEdS</i> CD! But then you knew that already.

Last edited by FanDeAliFee; 04-12-2010 at 10:50 AM..
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