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Old 04-13-2010, 08:57 PM
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Lili Loyal
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paintballpdh19 is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by ptjmwa View Post

Alizée records a Spanish song for Mexico.
Alizée offers a candid dedication (it says “candida” because her song is called la candida, get it???)
The singer enjoys having adolescent and adult fans in the country.
Her cd is called Une enfant du siècle.

Paris- in alizée’s new cd, Une enfant du siècle, the song «La candida » reflects her love towards her Mexican fans. “I did it thinking of them. The song tells a love story, it could be mine or another person’s, what is true is that it expresses my love story with the Mexican people”, says the young French singer. In the suite of the Intercontinental Hotel in Paris, a few steps away from the Eiffel Tower, Alizée points out that she would have liked to record a whole Spanish cd, but, due to the fact that she doesn’t speak the language, it’s hard for her, because she needs to understand the song to be able to feel it. It’s a wink for my Mexican fans she says. The song, with lyrics by Adan…., son of the Chilean Alejandro…, is also a recognition of what Alizée calls the faithfulness of her Mexican fans. The singer says that her success in Mexico still surprises her, especially since it persists after the pass of years and her change of style. “In France they ask me why I’m successful in Mexico. I don’t know how to answer, but it’s something that just happened and is very surprising. In France a lot of my fans don’t go to concerts. On the other hand in Mexico it’s like something cultural, they like to go to concerts, they like to see artists live in the stage. In Mexico the public is also more open. They don’t catalog artists like they do here.” She adds that another difference between Mexico and France is that in Mexico she has fans of all ages. “There’s children, adolescents and adults, even parents, and it’s really nice to know that I’m appreciated by the whole family.” The only thing that the singer , born in the Corsica island in the Mediterranean,thinks that is sad about her relationship with Mexico is that she didn’t get to know the country that much, with the exception of hotels, beaches, concert stages, and tv sets. “When I go I’m always running, there’s a lot of work and I know a little of Mexico. I could only visit the pyramids (of Teotihuacan: can you guys pronounce it?!? Haha I can!. Since the people know me I would have to wear a wig to be able to have the kind of day that I would like.”

She has her daughter tattooed- To alizee her first passion is her daughter Annily,to such a degree that she tattooed her image in her arm. “That way I can always have her close to me.” In her other arm she has the administrative number of her hometown tattooed and she also has her husband’s name tattooed. But Alizee, who is very close to her family, doesn’t like to have photos taken of her tattoos. “In the convert (with which she presented her new cd in Paris) you could see them because I was wearing short sleeves, but that’s the only way you will be able to see them.”

A new era- Alizee affirms that she wanted an album that reflected, in her music and clothes, the new era of her life that she’s living in. “I wanted to show that I had grown up. People still saw me as an adolescent even though 10 years have passed since I began (my career) and I have changed like any other women.” “In this album I wanted to show who Alizee is in 2010 a women of 25 years. Even though I have a different job I don’t feel that different that other girls my age, I’m still young and at the same time an adult because I have a daughter.” In this new album she tells a story with her song of a girl of the century, like the title, une enfant du siècle, says. It’s a story inspired by Andy Warhol’s (mythic figure of the American underground of the 60’s) muse … “I’m fascinated by everything that’s the opposite of my personality but that doesn’t mean that I want to be like that.”
thanks for the translation! nice job
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