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Old 04-17-2010, 09:08 AM
another_alizee_fan another_alizee_fan is offline
Join Date: Sep 2009
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another_alizee_fan is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by dreamer View Post
I get the impression that the one song that really got mexicans crazy about her was JEAM.... one might say that she owes her success in Mexico to Mylene in large part. What do you think?
Of course, she does! If anyone knows about the Mexican culture they know that they love sexy dressed women. On the Hispanic TV channels the average women are always wearing sexy clothes and low cut tops; they make no bones about it, they like it, unlike our American culture which in the most part is still puritan.

If anyone has seen that Mexican TV video where about 6 girls are dressed up as Alizee in black sailor suits with the shorts and they're all doing the JEAM dance at once, it's obvious they like it. The Mexicans, like most of us, like the skin that the old Alizee shows.. not too much but just enough to drive a man crazy. Unfortunately, Alizee hasn't figured out that is what the Mexicans want. When in a recent Mexican interview, they kept asking her about the Lolita, the JEAM dance, etc, she kept blowing them off saying stuff like, "I'm older now."

So, to finish, of Corse (joke), Mylene's Alizee is what they want and desire. As much as I like and cherish Alizee, because she left Mylene, I think her sales will slip, even in Mexico, because she won't give them what they want. I hate to say it but I think Alizee's best singing days are behind her, at least the version of Alizee that EVERY man wants and desires.
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