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Old 04-17-2010, 11:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
I had mentioned before that I thought Jean-René Étienne of Instatubes seemed a little offended by the fact that we thought she might not have actually seen the letter that our forum previously sent to her, so as part of a thank you letter I sent him last week, I included this statement.

"We discussed the open letter to Alizée that I wanted to re-present to her. You had mentioned that she already recieved it and I thought you seemed a little offended that we thought it might not have been given to her. Well the truth of the matter is we have a lot of very devoted fans of Alizée in this forum, most of whom will probably never have a chance to see this beautiful young woman in public at an occassion like this, or during a performance. Several forum members helped to draft this letter, then the opinions of many more helped shape the final product. So it means an awful lot to us, and to actually see Alizée hold it in her hands, was something special for us."

Nicely said.

You continue to serve as a good "ambassador."
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