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Old 04-19-2010, 03:59 AM
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wildfire wildfire is offline
Century old child!
Join Date: Sep 2009
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wildfire is on a distinguished road

HA!! it seems like Alizee registered high on your "Rictor scale"... heheh.. get it.. Rictor... ha.. I kill me....

Yeah I was originally from NY... seems like women there haven't changed.. I'm on the other coast... real entitlement problem with people here.. Too may people on the ambition ladder and not looking for something genuine.. even if they say so. Too often its people making trophies of each other rather than pursuing real happiness. Its gonna get worse since now jobs are temporary and careers change every decade.. so with so much in people's live's a moving target, social skill stake a hit.

As a generality, I found that women abroad tend to have more male friends while women here have a more slef image problem and look to latch on to guys. I can't tell you how many "lady friends" I thought I had but it turns out they were between boyfriends.. as soon as they "latch", there goes the "friendship". Turns out I wasn't a friend so much as I was the spare tire in the trunk. But enough of that...

What I find interesting about Alizee is how genuine her success is. I mean disney tries to manufacture "sweetness" all the time.. trying to "cast" people in that role.. then a poloroid or phone cam photo shows up of them nekkid and it all falls apart. yet Alizee is the real deal..not manufactured.. she's private, has a family, and now produces her own music when it suits her... I'm luving it..

Originally Posted by Rictor View Post
After lurking on this forum for a while (to check on Alizée updates, lyrics, etc), I finally decided to register and join.

I'm not the type of listen to pop music and I'm definitely NOT the type of guy who obsesses over celebrities. In fact, I've NEVER felt this way about ANY celebrity.

A few years ago, a friend linked me to a video of Alizée performing "La Isla Bonita." I thought she was beautiful...but that wasn't it. There was something about her mannerisms and the way she carries herself that really won me over. I live in New York and I'm sorry to say that the majority of the women I've met here have been arrogant, condescending, mean, and overall very Un-Alizée. *Note* - obviously not ALL NYC women are like this, but chance would have it that the ones I've met have mostly been this way with few exceptions.

So I naturally wanted to learn more about Alizée after I saw that video. I started downloading her albums, beginning with Gourmandises. I must have listened to "Moi...Lolita" about 1000 times. Before I knew it, I was in love with her. I'm only posting this on this specific forum because I know there will be others here who understand my situation. If I were to tell anyone else, they would surely chalk it up to just celebrity obsession. But Alizée is so much more than a mere celebrity. She brings light to any dark situation. She gives me joy no matter how much things are dragging me down. She sustains me.

I haven't had a girlfriend in over 2 years now. I don't find anyone attractive except for Alizée. This is becoming a serious problem for me. Even when approached by a beautiful woman, I'm just not interested if she doesn't have Alizée's sweet, gentle characteristics.

Here's the reality of most women that are out there nowadays in America:

- Many are overly liberal and politically correct nazi's who will get offended by the slightest thing
- Many of them will preach open-mindedness and quality of character and yet always try to go for the tallest, best looking, richest guy

I'm sick of it.

Alizée on the other hand, is the perfect balance of everything good and pure. You can get a good sense of what someone is like by the way they respond to various situations. In interviews, Alizée just projects a sweet vibe that really can't be faked. I don't even know if she's aware of it, but her inner beauty comes out during these interviews. I even remember one time on that Fun TV interview where she described herself as the type of person who "puts others ahead of herself." My heart literally skipped a beat when I saw that part. And her reaction to opening that Tinkerbell toy? God help me.

I love everything about Alizée. My friend tries to make fun of me for liking her by constantly making fun of her "big head." I LOVE HER BIG HEAD. SHE'S ADORABLE.

In conclusion, if anyone has any clue as to how I can regain my sanity after this Alizée spell, please let me know.


Originally Posted by Rictor View Post
I agree - I've always loved her forehead! It's cute. Get this - I was talking with my friend and we were discussing various "hot" women that we both knew and I when I said that they pale in comparison to Alizee, his response was: "so few much forehead."
Hes just being a dick because you like here... don't worry, just come here!

BTW, welcome, AND don't worry: there are plenty of women like Alizee who are smart, shy, nosey, stubborn and boring (all alizee descriptions of herself) who are out there. Like a poster here said: you are looking for a small town girl. My advice: look for one who has a great relationship with her dad.

I also recommend that you travel and meet some women from sweden, denmark, iceland, the Mediterranean area, etc to open your "pool". Also visit the south... southern belles can be the sweetest...

Man, Dunno what I ate but I'm epic gassy today... its like I have a factory doing double time in my gut or something.... sounds like I'm surrounded by a flock of ducks... QUACK QuAK!!


Originally Posted by CFHollister View Post

Strap yourself in, buddy...
Stars à domicile, 2003
I'd go a step farther and say watch the one from 2001...

but get a handkerchief, because you are gonna cry. she's really young in this yet you see how she handles her fame which is less than a year old. adorable. Such humility...

another cute personality one was this one from corsica when she was a little squirt... Althouh all of this stuff is staged, it shows part of what you probably mean Rictor as far as disposition... I think by definition is that there are people who work to live and live to wok... alizee works to live, in NY people end up living to work...

<object width="660" height="525"><param name="movie" value=" x9461ca&border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" x9461ca&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="660" height="525"></embed></object>


Oh, yeah, Rictor, just read this too... its jessica's description of Alizee's visit...

Last edited by wildfire; 04-19-2010 at 03:59 AM.. Reason: Automerged Doubleposts
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