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Old 04-20-2010, 08:35 PM
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Lili Loyal
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paintballpdh19 is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
Soon after returning from my trip of a lifetime to Paris, i sent a thank you note to the manager of Virgin Megastores who Docdtv first contacted. We owe so much to this guy (Docdtv too). It would have been so easy for him to drop the ball and just ignore the note, because 50 cd's isn't a huge amount (though I'm sure if we had known earlier, we would have wanted a few hundred cd's), he might not want to have bothered a star like Alizée with such a request. But he went the extra yard. I just hope he understood the thank you message I sent him in English.
Then there is the gentleman from Instatubes, who I'm sure had a lot to do with this request being passed on to Alizée. I sent him a nice thank you note to the Instatube office in Paris by regular mail last week. He spoke English very well so hopefully he appreciated how much me and this forum appreciated what he did.
But I never thought about thanking Alizée. I guess mainly because I thought so many people send her messages on myspace or facebook, how can one be really sure that she would get the message. Then there is the language barrier, I've learned 12 of her songs to varying degrees, but to listen to an interview of hers on the news, I can't understand a word she's saying, and I think that one thing this trip showed me is she is more or less in the same boat. Even though she has a very good understanding of the songs she sings in English, she really can't engage in a conversation in English. So any letter I would want to send to her, would have to be sent in French.
I have to send her a thank you note for me and for us. I and we can't go without at least making an attempt to contatct her personally for what she did for us. What is the best outlet to send it to, to make sure it gets delivered? I think maybe the gentleman from Instatubes, but hopefully some other people in here can offer some insight.
i still think the signatures of all the people who got a cd would be a good idea, it could be like a little paragraph of thanks and then the sigs at the bottom, short and sweet
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