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Old 04-22-2010, 07:05 PM
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TheBarrett TheBarrett is offline
Faded into Gray
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 3,508
TheBarrett is on a distinguished road


I suppose my part of the cycle has run it's full course.
Sadly i'm doing this shortly before my second anniversary here, but I can't really keep further any longer.

In the near 2-years i've been here i've felt like i've seen it all.
I've taken my share of hiatuses, and my share of extended absences.
I've done much to entertain, much to defend, much to offend, and much to speak out plainly.

I've seen an enlightened period in the forum's life, a deadened period, and a period which I cannot exactly put a finger or a title on.
Like many before me, I hang my fandom, and my mantle on this place behind the gray drapery. It's now the realm of the others to come.

I've gone through the ups and the downs, and afterwards the short period of my lifeline here had its own dramatic overturn.

I cannot simply enjoy the treasures this place had originally given and offered me. I'll only be another stain on it's wall, but nonetheless it's something I cannot accept anymore.
It does not feel the same as it did, many folks who i've grown to cherish have gone, and the few others that linger only serve as a reminder of my fading, and the new blood that posts as I had in another day past, serve as the reminder of how many people are now entering this place's communal cycle.

I joined on whim, never realizing just exactly how it would be almost a daily visit to me.
I half-expected to never go on again.

It's what I expected fully to do as time went on. Yet always there was the reason to hold me back from finding the key to the chains that bound myself here.

My first mate, it's been a long time since the FlashChat, the trebuchets, the fashion designs, the trading cards, the wingman chronicles, Warhammer, and the lot of them. Nonetheless you're a hearty man with a golden penchant for "Being a pal".

Since the first day of your joining i've always enjoyed your presence. There was hardly anything that brought your spirit down, and it's that strong blood that really allowed me to latch onto your personality.

Man of a thousand smiles, you've always laughed in every post and hardly show anything related to distress. You're a real life superhero you know that? You're a great person behind the screen and I've enjoyed your presence as well.

Well you know, I can't really say anything towards you, knowing your own peculiar strength of turning things around. Sufficient enough, or so I think, I must say "The Latest Ruro Post" has also inspired me to stick longer than I believe I should have.

Well you popped out of nowhere, I don't think I even realized you exist until around 5 or 6 months ago. However you've made your own impressions on anybody, and I thank you for being a good conversational partner.

You're an ass pirate, but you're the original. I really can't say anything more than that to you.

Well you are the original dancing machine on here, at least to me, and we've had a lot of honest and personal talks back during the FlashChat period. I'll miss your own quirks, but I don't expect you to miss mine.

You came, you saw, you, got conquered. Not in the bad way however, you merely joined the fold of something that I believed saved me from a fan's loss. You learn something every day, and that's exactly what you did, as I have learned my share from you.

There are a slew of others i'd love to say something to, but I feel there are those in which I easily gratify every day or every week.

Finally I leave with myself closing the last page to my own chapter and say.
Don't remember me, don't forget me, but know only that when one fire dies...

...Another begins its spark.

"I will write Peace on your wings, and you will fly all over the world."