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Old 04-23-2010, 02:59 AM
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Brent Brent is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Age: 35
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Well guys. I'm out, I didn't find here what I had found in AF. And to be honest it seemed like I just spoke to the guys here that I had spoken to from AF with the exception of one or two people.

I enjoyed you guys. This just isn't my scene. I'm a Soshified guy. That is where the lights and glamour is for me. Lots of interesting stuff there.

But, I do want you guys to look deep into your heart to see if what Alizee has to offer is what you are looking for. I have been a fan since 2005. To be honest I've put in a lot of work. It's sad because the rewards I have gotten from Alizee has been zilch. I've had 2 responses from Tiffany of SNSD which has consisted of maybe 10 words. That happened over the course of my first month, when I really was trying to contact them. Well, I tried to contact Alizee for 4 years and zilch. Like I said if you want to go that route it is up to you.

My point is I have found a home and I've been living there for about a year. I'm happy with what the community does and what the artists put back into it. It doesn't hurt that the artists are thoughtful and stay in touch even though they are really one of the hottest groups in the world right now. I just don't understand Alizee. And it seems the image she put out for us has been fake. We have really just fallen in love with the model Mylene put out.

These are my thoughts. I'm not discouraging anyone. But as I've said... I've had more contact from a much more famous group within my first month than I did from Alizee in 5 years. The fanbase is much more active and kind. So, I've really been gone for a year... and that will continue.

SNSD, Epik High, and f(x) forever. I know some people here don't favor asian girls so much. That's understandable. But like I've said it has been much more fun. The fans have put so much more into it, and have gotten so much more out of it. I'm sure that its available elsewhere... but SNSD is definately the topic of conversation lately and I'm glad I've been there since the start.

You guys have fun. Love to all.

Thanks guys, have fun. Good luck!

Quick Edit:

I saw the post saying 'well you are a fan of her image only'. Well your image involves your physical body and how its kept, your movements, and your words. I know the people that are leaving are a) long time fans or b) very thoughtful people. So with that being said I've been through it all within these 5 years. And I'm telling you it is simply not true. Like I said best of luck you you. But until you get out there and speak WITH other artists or see how other groups react to the fans hard effort... you won't ever realize how bad this relationship is. It is bad enough she isn't even considered in her own country and depends on Mexico for success (which isn't working). My advice is to not judge us before you know where we are going or have been. Like I said if you mention Alizee to this point I've been there or done that for the good cause. It just hasn't paid off at all.

But yeah don't want any drama. Here is my parting video.

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Last edited by Ruroshen; 04-26-2010 at 02:43 PM..