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Old 05-22-2010, 05:56 PM
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Originally Posted by wildfire View Post
By coincidence, I just looked up the review of Moby's latest album that I got, "wait for me". I found in the product description an excellent reinforcement of my original post, and perhaps a parallel to Alizée's mindset. Granted I believe one is Moby's epiphany and the other is a Coriscan independence streak, but the end result is the same:
Just to comment on Moby... Sure, we'd all like to think that music can be made that way and that we all just happen to like exactly what the artists involved like, but I think the reality is that creating a pop sensation and pleasing the crowds must be done the way it must be done. Moby is a prolific and established musician. Maybe he can only say that stuff because he's now in a point in his career where he can get away with it. I.e., yeah, it's fine for you to say that now...

For concerts music is usually enhanced to stretch it out and bring a higher energy for the occasion. They did a good job of that for Alizée's concerts in Mexico, as well did she bring a lot of energy and actually a certain affectation to it that you've never seen before. Alizée gives the impression that when she really needs to "turn it on" she can do so.
Originally Posted by babyblue558 View Post
... Like most people, I discovered Alizée by watching a Gourmandises/MCE era youtube clip, and for a while I went along assuming that she was still the same present-day as she was back in those days....
Yeah, I think when you are a new fan, if you quickly get hooked on some early videos and that image, even when you find out it was a long time ago and intellectually know she's not really going to be the same, it's hard to really feel that until you see the newer stuff. When I came around the last time she had performed JEAM had been almost three years earlier. When I figured that out and that she was not current, married with a child, and no longer with M&L I knew things would be different, but we didn't know in what way. I will agree though, her Gourmandises through MCE era persona is so distinctive that it's a bit of a shock to see her otherwise. A lot of people felt that even after seeing her in those performances from 2004 where she has the different hair (coupe de fée - the fairy cut) and is looking distinctively different. Still, over time I have come to have a feeling for all of her looks and find her Alizée beautiful in them all, though some times she has been just knock out stunning.

Merci Fanny
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