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Old 06-05-2010, 06:48 PM
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Here is the original:


Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
I found this translation of an interview by Cooney that took place pre MCE, where Alizée mentioned it was hard to sing and dance at the same time. The type is in red where she said it. I'll also try to find out exactly which interview it was.

01-07-2007, 09:44 AM
Alrighty! Here's the translation. There are a couple places where I adjusted a figurative phrase to flow in English, but otherwise I think it's accurate. I'll check out the subtitle workshop thing. Once corrections have been made to the translation, I'll see about making a subtitle file. Is there a higher quality version of this clip? It's a great interview, and I love the grin she has at the end, but subtitling seems almost wasted on a low res if HQ is available.

Host: Hello
Alizée: Hello
Host: You doing well?
Alizée: Quite well, thank you.
Host: We would like to know a little bit more about you...
Alizée: Yes
Host: ...and return to your debut. So you participated in "Graines de Star"...
Alizée: Uh huh
Host: ...and there, so, what happened?
Alizée: I won the show
(Graines de Star clip)
Graines de Star clip: Stop! Alizée will defend the colors on Graines de Star next month.
Alizée: And then after that, I heard there was a casting in Paris. I heard the producers were looking for a performer. So, I sent a tape and was selected to sing "Moi... Lolita"
Host: And that, what was that like?
Alizée: (laughs) Very very impressive like... already when we arrived for the first time at the studio and... very awe-struck as well to meet Laurent Boutonnat and Mylène Farmer.
Host: Your first video? What memories stand out? Were you stunned to find yourself quite suddenly in the middle of it all, with lots of people around?
Alizée: Oh yes. It was more-than-anything awe-inspiring to be in front of the camera, acting, because really in, in... Moi Lolita, that's really acting. Laurent gave me confidence. He told me "don't worry yourself, it'll work. We can start over again and again if something is bothering you...
(Moi... Lolita clip)
Host: Do you participate in the writing of your songs, or not?
Alizée. Umm, I talk alot with Mylène about what I like doing, about my life, and about my personality. She takes it in, and tries to incorporate it all in the lyrics. And we say... we can say she made me an album that's a perfect fit.
Host: Ok. It fits you well?
Alizée: Oh yes. It's really from A to Z. It's what I am.
(L'Alizé Clip)
Host: What effect did it have to receive that first prize, you know, the M6 awards?
Alizée: I was awe-struck already just to be there... mostly the room is huge! There were five thousand people there I think.
(M6 Awards clip)
Alizée: An award from the public, it's not like when one receives, umm, some other thing. But there, given by the public, it really warmed my heart and, and we can see that, because I started to cry, so, umm..
Host: You didn't expect it?
Alizée: No, not at all
Host: Do you have some advice to give to the children and young folks who want to become singers, or dancers, and take up an artistic profession? There they are! (points at camera)
Alizée: Ok. So, in order to succeed, always you have to have willpower, uhh, huge [willpower]. Know what you want, because there are times you say to yourself "Ok, I like it... I'll do that, that'll be successful... Maybe that works, but it doesn't really make me very happy, so I have to really do what I love" and, uhh... above all, stay natural, which is very very hard.
(Parler Tout Bas clip)
Host: A day in the life of Alizée, what's it like?
Alizée: Oh la la. It starts very early in the morning. I dedicate an hour to singing, so I work, I do vocal exercises. I work on my songs, umm, and dance at the same time, because it's very hard to dance and sing at onceAnd I can have an afternoon with interviews all afternoon long, and in the evening, a television show. So, to Paris...
Host: It's packed!
Alizée: it's very very packed, yes.
Host: So then, you've stopped taking classes?
Alizée: I'm taking certain classes with an English professor. And uhh, I'm taking French classes, so uhh... One can say it's essential, what one needs in one's career, and so we'll find out later.
(L'Alizé clip)
Host: And when you have a little bit of time to relax, do you watch TV at your house?
Alizée: Yes, yes
Host: Do you watch a lot of cartoons, or no?
Alizée: Since I have my little brother, who's eleven, there too, so..., him as well, so I'm in front of the TV with him.
Host: You don't forget "M6 kid"
Alizée: Of course not
Host: Do you like R&B music a little?
Alizée: Yeah, I like it a lot, yeah
Host: Because just after our cartoons, we're going to meet Craig David in an exclusive, you'll see it, it's great. But now, I suggest we watch your cartoons. What do you think?
Alizée: I suggest we watch Kong and Cartouche
Host: Not bad. Let's go.

--- pace e salute ---

Last edited by Rev; 06-05-2010 at 06:48 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doubleposts
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