Thread: Wow account
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Old 11-15-2006, 09:48 PM
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Sir Wood Sir Wood is offline
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I'm a casual WoW player too, so I don't really know what the whole fuss is about with MMOs. Like everything in life, it's all about moderation. Heck, it took me a whole month just to get from 44 to 45.

Dang rogues, I hate them and never help them (unless they are in my group then I'd consider helping them). That's just because my first encounter with one in PvE, I get ninja looted. Then I go PvP and I pretty much get owned. Then again, I did roll druid... skilled in many areas but a master of none.

You've got a nice character, but I'd get more joy in leveling my own rogue if I did make another toon.
C'est pas ma faute, c'est ma passion pour la plus belle fille du monde !

Youpidoo! I'm "foamely" ecstatic... So if you're okey dokey... Let's do boogie-woogie...
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