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Old 07-01-2010, 01:14 AM
pepelepew pepelepew is offline
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Originally Posted by Junkmale View Post
I feel your pain too, Scruffy.
Your efforts (and everyone else's) are VERY appreciated here. Don't forget that.
Funnily enough i've just be having a rant about something unrelated (but perhaps similar) at my own website.
You can read the post here -

The general tone of it, i think, relects what you are saying?
I've come to the conclusion over the last year that any sort of promotion that you, i, or anyone attempts is a waste of time without some sort of Official support. Perhaps 'waste of time' is a tad harsh but you know what i mean?
Alizee's 'people' should have been in touch with the Radio Station to give their support for your efforts ( i assume that they haven't?). They could have capitalized on the publicity that the adds have generated. I would also have thought that some sort of financial support would have been welcomed by you (even as a token gesture). After all you are doing thier work for them.

I think that the important thing is not to give in and to stay positive. My situation is slightly different as it's mainly (but not totally) financial reasons for my annoyance at the 'failure' of my site.
Hang in there.

Oh and i remember seeing Katie live in Belfast many years ago. Me and about 6 other people. Lovely, talented girl!
I haven't seen any evidence of a reaction from Alizee or promotional/label to the AA letter of support and willingness to promote in the states. Her current album sales suck and I doubt they would be interested in the promotion of MF era music because it would not promote their current agenda. I applaud Scruffy for such dedication and tenacity in the promotion of our Alizee and many others that have worked so hard on her and her fans behalf. With the state the world is in at this time I am not sure that Alizee performing in the nude would get peoples attention right now lol. I am sorry to be such a Debbie downer, but I just call them like I see them. I agree that Alizee and her promotional teams blessing and an aggressive campaign by them is what is called for if any significant possibility for success at promoting Alizee here. I hope I am dead wrong by the way.
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