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Old 07-03-2010, 12:18 PM
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Originally Posted by ALS View Post
I had a guy I use to deal with back in college. This guy was in his early to mid forties and he never dated a woman over 25. I asked him why once.

It wasn't until I was in my late twenties that I realized he was on to something. He was close to the correct answer but off just a smidgen.

His answer to my question was, once women get over 26-27 and are not married the get weird or strange.

The answer isn't that they get weird or strange, it is that those are the women that are weird and strange. Guys that know them have no intentions of marrying someone that screwed up.

In other words if you find someone nice under 25 grab it because it isn't going to be available long. A good rule of thumb is the good women are pretty much gone by 25.

Every women I know that is single, being never married or divorced, over thirty is one pretty screwed up piece of work.

As far as the divorced goes if they are someone special that got tossed away, they're not single long.

That is a very stupid, ignorant (and us-centric) viewpoint. Here in europe many people get married much later than in the us or not at all. My sister has been living together with her bf for like 15 years but they aren't married and they probably never will. My girl-friend is 27 (like me) and she has never been married. Marriage is meaningless, relationships matter.
Again, just stupid.