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Old 07-10-2010, 07:18 AM
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Fenris Fenris is offline
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Fenris is on a distinguished road

She is certainly in a difficult position by now. UEDS flopped so far, there is no sweettalking it.

Can she go back to the GMD/MCE Style, like some suggested? I think not. The overcritical french would laugh their asses off. After all this talking about growing up and doing her own thing and so on? Impossible.

So, the only way for her is to go on and make the music that is in her heart. Guess she will never be a big star again, but that's life. I'm not sure if that is even what she wants.
Her family and private life is what is most important to her, her career is second.
That's not enough to be really successful in todays shark tank of a music biz.

Her early success fell into her lap thanks to MF/LB's geniuses and the fresh sweetness Alizée embodied. Nowadays the public is bombarded with one cheap casting show after another, and new "superstars" have to be produced every month. Much harder to get noticed, especially if you don't want to go the provocative and slutty path of Lady Gaga and the likes.
Well, she still has a core of a loyal fanbase, let's hope it's enough to keep her going.

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