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Old 07-16-2010, 05:18 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2010
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Age: 38
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Originally Posted by VVVACCPLPNLY View Post
I have a perfectally fine time talking to beautiful girls. You know, the ones I have no chance with? I can talk to them all day and be their best friend. BUT when it comes to girls I am interested in and DO have a chance with, well, my tongue falls limp.
Why do you think you have no chance with them? ESPECIALLY if you can talk to them all day and they don't give you any sign that they WOULDN'T be interested.

As for your tongue going limp with girls you're into, we've all been there. Here's what works for me though to combat this:

1) No matter how much you're into her, remember that she's just another girl. Even if she means the world to YOU, there are guys out there who probably wouldn't even be into her. DON'T put her on a pedestal. Be cool.

2) Remember who YOU are. Focus on thinking about the great things about yourself, what you have to contribute, the positive parts of your personality, etc. Don't think too much about how great SHE is, because that can lead to negative thoughts like "she's too good for me," "she deserves better than me" and "I'm not sure if she even likes me."

3) You HAVE to go for it at some point. Even if you THINK there's a good chance that she won't respond positively, you HAVE to make a move eventually. Heres why - a) You'll know for sure if she's into you and can move on if she's not, b) you'll be showing her that you have the balls to make the move even if she's not into you, and c) it will allow you to gain more experience so that you'll be even LESS nervous next time around.

Originally Posted by Fèvier View Post
wow I just realized that we're on the 7th page in a bit over 24 hours!
That's partially my fault. I tend to go off on a tangent when there's talk about girls involved. That's always fun.

On topic - new confession: I still haven't bought UEDS yet but I intend to. I wish I joined this forum earlier for that personalized signing thing with the gold pen. GOLD PENS. AHHHHH I MISSED OUT.
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