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Old 11-19-2006, 03:15 PM
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aFrenchie aFrenchie is offline
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One at a time : "Moi.. Lolita"

4: "prêt" may mean a lend when it's a noun. "prêter" is the verb (=to lend)
Here, it's an adjective and it means "ready" (sometimes "willing").
So "Tout prêts à" = "all ready to"

"A school-girl, deep":
You used "deep" for "bas"... In other translations, I've also seen "below". And they're both wrong.
Here "bas" is a noun and means "stockings", and "aux" means "whose" or "with".
I'd say "A school-girl, whose (or with) stockings" (.....) "that are blue like methylene(??) (see EDIT)" (I've added "that are", or you would have to invert words positions and put blue before stockings in English)

6: I doubt that "bleu" has the "green" sense here. Only the color for me (and surely not "jeans" like I've seen in other translations )

"C'est pas ma faute à moi":
"à moi" is a way to accentuate that it's her fault and not someone else's. I'd say in English, to insist on this: "it's not my fault, (it's) not mine!"

EDIT: in fact, it's a wordplay between the color and the chemical compound:

EDIT2: WOW, read the whole page of the French wiki link above: there is a note about Alizée's "Moi.. Lolita"!

Last edited by aFrenchie; 11-19-2006 at 07:13 PM..
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