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Old 11-19-2006, 05:23 PM
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aFrenchie aFrenchie is offline
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1: "L'esprit à mille à l'heure":
Esprit means mind indeed, but also "intellect", "mental capacity", "understanding". Here, it'd rather be one of these.

"so be it" is good for "tant pis". However I'm used to translate it "too bad" myself.

3: "embrasser" means "to kiss" 95% of the times, but in the 5% left, it may be "to embrace", "to hug". Maybe that here.

4: I'm not sure if "Arrêtez / De me dire" means "Stop / telling me..." or "Stop / to tell me..."
What's the difference? For me they're both the same but it must be my poor English. Anyway in French, she does ask people to stop telling her (etc...)

"Saying of adolescence "it's
What they don't know,"
Literally, the original version says in a very weird way (even in French) something like: "saying that adolescence is (or "means") only "that we don't know"...". Try to make better than the original! (less "childish")

6: "boire jusqu'à la lie" is a common expression in French. To be precise, "la lie" is the deposits of yeast you find in the bottom of a bottle of wine:
English wiki calls that the "lees" (??): (see French references though)
Here the expression literally means to drink (your wine) until only the "lie" (lees?) is left in your glass (or in the bottle . And the metaphor is "to drink in full" indeed, or "to consume something entirely".

"I am, no doubt, like her"
It's "like him"

Last edited by aFrenchie; 11-19-2006 at 07:06 PM..
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