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Old 08-05-2010, 11:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Chuck View Post

Oh, one more thing that's been bothering me: I dislike the little guy intensely, but I still can't abide people calling Justin Bieber a "faggot" or a "fruit". Let's all try to avoid using these kinds of terms from now on. We've got standards to uphold here, people! (For that matter, so do the homosexuals of the world, and most of them probably don't want to be associated with this guy either.)

If you want to call him a wuss, a wimp, a pansy, or even a daffodil, I personally see no problem with any of those terms. But "faggot", "fruit", or anything else that would typically be used to derogatorily refer to a gay person, those kinds of words should have no place here.

And the word "gay", too - that's another problem, sometimes. Again, it's fine with me if you want to say "Perez Hilton, that guy is so gay!" because it's basically true. But let's not start saying "Justin Bieber is so gay! Zac Efron is so gay! Vanessa Hudgens is totally gay!"
First of all, "gay" depends on the context in which you use it in. When someone calls someone they dislike "gay" or a "faggot" or a "fruit," it's understood to anyone with half a brain that this does NOT always necessarily imply actual homosexuality. It's a way to demean someone and to to make them feel emasculated. It's to be used in the same manner as saying "fuck you."

I'm sick of politically correct people like you who are trying so hard to police people into only being able to say or not say certain things. The entire point of free speech (which you clearly do not believe in) is that ALL SPEECH is protected. This includes hate speech, pro-nazi speech and anything that most people, myself included, would not like. The reason why it's important that ALL SPEECH be protected is because - well think of it this way: If the majority of people decided that X should never be said (X being an open variable) then it makes it that much easier for them to declare that you also can't say Y, Z and so forth. In order for free speech to exist, all forms of speech must be protected, no matter how much it upsets others.
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