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Old 08-13-2010, 10:06 PM
alizeefan alizeefan is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 479
alizeefan is on a distinguished road

O k these ideas may sound a bit crazy but . . . On ebay normally i send cash , yes cash and i have NEVER been scammed . Just make sure you insure both ways via your mail service , that way even if you do get scammed or it gets lost you get your monies back . Make sure you insure it for double the amount that way if you have to wait a long time for a refund as postal offices are slow with stuff like that it is worth your while , but believe me if you insure it will NEVER be lost . Anyway a better idea perhaps is this . . .

Befriend someone on here , get to know them . If you feel they are trustworthy then they can exchange info with you and most likely will happily ebay it to you or send directly without the middle man .

For those in the US , not sure if they have em in Canada or other countries FYI entertaiment will pretty much get anything , most stores i have been to even have kiosks kinda like a computer that you can look it up yourself and place the order if you don't want to ask a clerk . They will even burn out of print stuff for you or say it was something that was only available on vhs they will make you a DVD copy .

On a side note . . .
Ya know what would be nice ?
Since like sales are slow for Alizee ,
what she should be doing is offering autographed copies
sold directly by her for an extra fee .

Not only would that boost sales but make ALOT of us fanatics
very very happy . Why more artists don't do that i have no idea ?
Yes i know she may have to sign a few thousand but that would be
over a long period of time and really wouldn't be that much work .
As well she could donate a bit of the extra fee proceeds to a charity
which would also increase sales and reputation . Autographed with
a kiss ( lipstick print ) would be nice too . Yes i dream big !

PS - Alizee if you are reading yes i am available to work as your
marketing consultant

Last edited by alizeefan; 08-13-2010 at 10:10 PM..
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