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Old 09-17-2010, 12:32 PM
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Yeah, Scruffy, what RMJ said is probably a big part of it. Probably many fans were even outraged that Alizée left MF/LB and considered her an ungrateful little traitor. I don't. I think she did the right thing. Whatever she chose to do, it was going to be a battle for her to maintain her popularity. And to be honest, some of the things she has done has not necessarily helped her in that area.

Sometimes when a star rises so quickly and burns so brightly, they burn out pretty fast. Alizée burst on the scene and it's almost like she was kind of like a fad. Such artists often find themselves fading out quickly, and much of the positive feelings the public has for them can even become negative. They now see her as "old news" and really don't want to listen to her now. They want something new, the next fad. And there is probably a significant number of people who were too young to remember much about her. So even if she worked with MF/LB again, I think she would still be facing quite a battle.

Maybe if she had a really kick-ass single that everyone would love, she could break through the negative mindset. I think she has grown as an artist and she has gotten some good reviews from the critics, but I don't think that's going to do it. The other possibility for her is new markets where people have not prejudged her. Maybe Alizée is content with where she's at, putting out music that satisfies her own artistic needs. But I wouldn't doubt she would like to be more widely accepted and appreciated again in her own country. And of course there must be some threshold she must meet in sales to keep certain doors open to her.
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