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Old 09-26-2010, 09:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Junkmale View Post
'This is clearly not the case since ugly losers get girls all the time. '

They do?
There is hope for me yet then :-)
Junkmale everything is possible, what I was pointing out was the better percentage of chances one has by looking for in our own likes. It's quite often I hear guys say they tried to pickup some hot chic who maybe drives a hot car, and when she doesn't respond favorable they say she's a stuck-up you know what. But if you take a close look at these guys you realize they have nothing really good to offer, not even for the initial attraction ;-)
Originally Posted by Sting View Post
I look better than most women do, actually. I'm the pinnicle of male perfection. 6'2'' tall, perfect face, 8.5 inch penis, perfect build. If you looked as good as I do you would understand that even the women you THINK aren't whores are in fact nothing but trash. They talk about having all these standards but when I get them alone in a room with me, they all start trying to fuck me. Even the married ones who always talk about how they care a lot about loyalty and hope their husbands never cheat, etc.

Even Alizee herself is just one of these girls who is into idiot hipsters. (Look at the guys she hangs around and look at recent pictures). She's into the types who you would see wearing converse shoes, playing hackey sack and drinking a cup of starbucks coffee everyday. Really fruity, pretentious guys who try to find really obscure music to be into in order to seem "original" and "unique." It's all bullshit.

So basically, you're wrong. You DON'T have to look good AT ALL or be smart and interesting. Because if that's the case, not ONLY would I be getting everyone's girl but in addition to that, 99 percent of guys would get NOTHING at all. This is clearly not the case since ugly losers get girls all the time. (Although their girls end up dumping them for me).

Ever hear most conversations amongst males and females? They're ALL dumb and boring. (I have a tested IQ of 162 on the Stanford-Binet scale btw, just as a reference point for you to go by.)
Yeah ok ;-) Almost every guy pretty much thinks that way, though this is usually far from the truth. The only thing you've got going your way thus far is your height my friend he he. In any case every experience we have is pretty much related to the way we perceive it, and the way we perceive it is the way we experience it. If you start by thinking that you're the pinnacle of male perfection and every women is but a whore, then how do you think your experience is going to be ? So you think it's a bad thing that women like to have sex just as bad as men do ? You think some women are bad because they cheat on men just like some men cheat on women ?

Most important thing I can share with you is this: Though women are the same in some aspects as men, women just like men are not all the same nor do they think the same. Since we don't think the same then we don't act the same, because obviously we see things differently and each act in accordance with how we see things. Thus is the reason for our own perfect example here in this conversation. My analogy and initial comments were obviously directed to my own selfish experiences and views, and so were yours to your own. Therefore everything is as we see it, to each his own ;-)


A man pulled into a gasoline station on the outskirts of town. As he filled his tank, he remarked to the attendant, “I’ve just accepted a job in town. I’ve never been to this part of the country. What are people like here?”

“What are people like where you came from?” the attendant asked.

“Not so nice,” the man replied. “In fact, they can be quite rude.”

The attendant shook his head. “Well, I’m afraid you’ll find the people in this town to be the same way.”

Just then another car pulled into the station. “Excuse me,” the driver called out. “I’m just moving to this area. Is it nice here?”

“Was it nice where you came from?” the attendant inquired.

“Oh, yes! I came from a great place. The people were friendly, and I hated to leave.”

“Well, you’ll find the same to be true of this town.”

“Thanks!” yelled the driver as he pulled away.

“So what is this town really like?” asked the first man, now irritated with the attendant’s conflicting reports.

The attendant just shrugged his shoulders. “It’s all a matter of perception. You’ll find things to be just the way you think they are"...... Author Unknown

Paix, Amour et Musique ☮ ♥ ♫

Last edited by Jess; 09-27-2010 at 09:07 AM..
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