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Old 10-09-2010, 11:20 AM
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lefty12357 lefty12357 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 3,457
lefty12357 is on a distinguished road

I lurked around here a while before joining in Dec. 2006. At that time Alizée had already been out of the picture for about 2 years. The only thing people had to hold on to was a note that Alizée released saying she was in the studio and would be back.

I was a noob then, but I learned a lot from the members that were then active. 2007 was a great year to be participating on this forum. The discussions were substantive. As new waves of noobs would arrive, I found that I could now help to answer their questions. But as each new wave appeared, I became more and more tired of revisiting the same old questions over and over again. I also found that I had basically talked myself out. There wasn't anything new left to say unless Alizée provided us with something new to talk about.

I am just as interested in Alizée and her music as I was in the beginning. I am usually here every day. I just don't post much because there is very little new information to talk about right now. And no offense intended, but it's not likely that I will post in some of the newer threads that have been created. Like everyone one else here, there are subjects that may interest some, and not others.

I really do miss many of the members that were active here in 2006-2007. Some have already been mentioned, but I would also like to mention Cooney, Garçoncanadien and Amélie. But a forum also needs new blood from time to time and so I appreciate the newer members as well. I just wish some of the old members would drop by occasionally and let us know how they are doing.

I think my experience is just a process that most members eventually go through. Some will end up leaving and some will stay like I have. The ones that leave either lose interest in Alizée, or they still like Alizée but just lose interest in the forum. But for the ones that stay, it's not uncommon for their frequency of posts to drop off. And no doubt there are some who stay for the friendships they have created, even if they have lost some of their interest in Alizée.
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