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Old 10-09-2010, 07:00 PM
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Nafas Nafas is offline
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Originally Posted by DrSmith View Post
To shift the topic a little bit, I'd like to ask anyone who believe in all this Satanic/Freemason stuff, why is the symbolism there? If people are really being "mind controlled", why do they leave hints all over the place? Seems like a clumsy thing to do.
Ow that is an easy question: They are making it real, easier to accept when it becomes real. Today's theme's in popmusic are dehumanization (make it easier to accept the RFID for exemple), mindcontroll and sex. By exposing it in music we will adapt it in the future. That's my view.

And of course we all know this is true: We all know that music (JEAM) has it double layers

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