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Old 10-10-2010, 04:47 PM
SimonH SimonH is offline
The Snowboarder
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Originally Posted by Aaronius31 View Post
Yeah, usually all their comments on her video are just about people saying she is a slut blah blah blah and they don't even know that she was forced to pretty much.
Grow up she wasn't forced to do that shit, she was 18 and I'm sure she enjoyed doing it. If it wasn't for her marriage and her child she might even still dance provocatively. Also don't lie to yourself, JEAM turns you on as it was meant to. Alizee is what, like 26 now, she is and never was as innocent as you fan boys think. She does well at keeping things pg/pg-13 rated and her personal life secret which I believe is what lures many of her fans. We don't know her, I'm tired of reading post on how Alizee would do this or wouldn't and how she is nothing but purity..... pshh. Have a good day, not mad just a little minor rant.