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Old 12-16-2010, 08:18 AM
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Tom Tom is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Sweden
Age: 31
Posts: 662
Tom is on a distinguished road

New working links in my signature.

As you might have heard or noticed, it is snowing at Radio Atlantis. I don't know if it is the new weather that makes some people stay home instead of go out and vote, but we are really having a bad voting period right now. Christmas is coming up and if you aren't planning on giving Alizée a present, the least you could do is to give her some points over at old RA.

New music video @ Hit Clip: Moi... Lolita

This week @ Hits de toujours!

J'ai pas vingt ans

Hit Parade: Don't you just miss the days when Alizée were at the top? Well, we've managed 40 weeks within the top 15, 12 more (to make it a year) shouldn't be too hard, right? We're currently #12.

Hit Web: It was actually not too long ago we were in the top 3... now we're #17. Hit Web isn't really good if you aren't on the first page (in the top 10) so please vote!

Hit Clip: We used to be in the top 3 at Hit Clip too, just as Hit Web. Now we're #15. We want this one on the first page (in the top 10) as well. Last week we changed from the Les Collines music video to the Mademoiselle Juliette music video. This week we made a change again and went with the Moi... Lolita music video.

New working links in my signature.

Edit: I will not be able to vote a lot during christmas. The Hits de toujours link and the Hit Clip link in my signature will link to the chart instead as they change every week. Things will go back to normal again in January. Merry christmas!

Last edited by Tom; 12-22-2010 at 06:27 AM..
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